


MERAKI is a responsive environment and art installation created by Harvestworks' International Arts Collective. Interactive wires were attached to 4 specialized speakers and human body capacitance was used to trigger alterations on sound and image. Voice and midi controllers were used to create a sonic atmosphere that flooded the space with a large range of sonic impulses.


This project was a collaboration amongst Harvestworks' International Arts Collective. My role was as a creative technologist, specifically programming the Arduino and interactive capacitive touch sensors.  The complete installation was created with Arduino, copper wire, multiplexers, Max/MSP, speakers, and a projector.

Installation Production  

Each speaker in the installation was connected to four copper wires that were wired to an Arduino/multiplexer setup and acted as capacitive sensors, detecting the electrical capacitance of any human bodies in the room. When someone touched the sensor, it would trigger glitch sounds from the speakers and manipulate the projections mapped to the surface area of the speakers.